Source code for pgextras

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
from collections import namedtuple

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras

from . import sql_constants as sql

__author__ = 'Scott Woodall'
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '0.2.0'

[docs]class PgExtras(object): def __init__(self, dsn=None): self.dsn = dsn self._pg_stat_statement = None self._cursor = None self._conn = None self._is_pg_at_least_nine_two = None def __enter__(self): """ The context manager convention is preferred so that if there are ever any exceptions the database cursor/connection will always be closed. """ return self def __exit__(self, type, value, trace): self.close_db_connection() @property
[docs] def cursor(self): if self._cursor is None: self._conn = psycopg2.connect( self.dsn, cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.NamedTupleCursor ) self._cursor = self._conn.cursor() return self._cursor
[docs] def query_column(self): """ PG9.2 changed column names. :returns: str """ if self.is_pg_at_least_nine_two(): return 'query' else: return 'current_query'
[docs] def pid_column(self): """ PG9.2 changed column names. :returns: str """ if self.is_pg_at_least_nine_two(): return 'pid' else: return 'procpid'
[docs] def pg_stat_statement(self): """ Some queries require the pg_stat_statement module to be installed. :returns: boolean """ if self._pg_stat_statement is None: results = self.execute(sql.PG_STAT_STATEMENT) is_available = results[0].available if is_available: self._pg_stat_statement = True else: self._pg_stat_statement = False return self._pg_stat_statement
[docs] def get_missing_pg_stat_statement_error(self): Record = namedtuple('Record', 'error') error = """ pg_stat_statements extension needs to be installed in the public schema first. This extension is only available on Postgres versions 9.2 or greater. You can install it by adding pg_stat_statements to shared_preload_libraries in postgresql.conf, restarting postgres and then running the following sql statement in your database: CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements; """ return Record(error)
[docs] def is_pg_at_least_nine_two(self): """ Some queries have different syntax depending what version of postgres we are querying against. :returns: boolean """ if self._is_pg_at_least_nine_two is None: results = self.version() regex = re.compile("PostgreSQL (\d+\.\d+\.\d+) on") matches = regex.match(results[0].version) version = matches.groups()[0] if version > '9.2.0': self._is_pg_at_least_nine_two = True else: self._is_pg_at_least_nine_two = False return self._is_pg_at_least_nine_two
[docs] def close_db_connection(self): if self._cursor is not None: self._cursor.close() if self._conn is not None: self._conn.close()
[docs] def execute(self, statement): """ Execute the given sql statement. :param statement: sql statement to run :returns: list """ # Make the sql statement easier to read in case some of the queries we # run end up in the output sql = statement.replace('\n', '') sql = ' '.join(sql.split()) self.cursor.execute(sql) return self.cursor.fetchall()
[docs] def cache_hit(self): """ Calculates your cache hit rate (effective databases are at 99% and up). Record( name='index hit rate', ratio=Decimal('0.99994503346970922117') ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.CACHE_HIT)
[docs] def index_usage(self): """ Calculates your index hit rate (effective databases are at 99% and up). Record( relname='pgbench_history', percent_of_times_index_used=None, rows_in_table=249976 ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.INDEX_USAGE)
[docs] def calls(self, truncate=False): """ Show 10 most frequently called queries. Requires the pg_stat_statements Postgres module to be installed. Record( query='BEGIN;', exec_time=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 288174), prop_exec_time='0.0%', ncalls='845590', sync_io_time=datetime.timedelta(0) ) :param truncate: trim the Record.query output if greater than 40 chars :returns: list of Records """ if self.pg_stat_statement(): if truncate: select = """ SELECT CASE WHEN length(query) < 40 THEN query ELSE substr(query, 0, 38) || '..' END AS qry, """ else: select = 'SELECT query,' return self.execute(sql.CALLS.format(select=select)) else: return [self.get_missing_pg_stat_statement_error()]
[docs] def blocking(self): """ Display queries holding locks other queries are waiting to be released. Record( pid=40821, source='', running_for=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 2857), waiting=False, query='SELECT pg_sleep(10);' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute( sql.BLOCKING.format( query_column=self.query_column, pid_column=self.pid_column ) )
[docs] def outliers(self, truncate=False): """ Show 10 queries that have longest execution time in aggregate. Requires the pg_stat_statments Postgres module to be installed. Record( qry='UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + ?;', exec_time=datetime.timedelta(0, 19944, 993099), prop_exec_time='67.1%', ncalls='845589', sync_io_time=datetime.timedelta(0) ) :param truncate: trim the Record.qry output if greater than 40 chars :returns: list of Records """ if self.pg_stat_statement(): if truncate: query = """ CASE WHEN length(query) < 40 THEN query ELSE substr(query, 0, 38) || '..' END """ else: query = 'query' return self.execute(sql.OUTLIERS.format(query=query)) else: return [self.get_missing_pg_stat_statement_error()]
[docs] def vacuum_stats(self): """ Show dead rows and whether an automatic vacuum is expected to be triggered. Record( schema='public', table='pgbench_tellers', last_vacuum='2014-04-29 14:45', last_autovacuum='2014-04-29 14:45', rowcount='10', dead_rowcount='0', autovacuum_threshold='52', expect_autovacuum=None ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.VACUUM_STATS)
[docs] def bloat(self): """ Table and index bloat in your database ordered by most wasteful. Record( type='index', schemaname='public', object_name='pgbench_accounts::pgbench_accounts_pkey', bloat=Decimal('0.2'), waste='0 bytes' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.BLOAT)
[docs] def long_running_queries(self): """ Show all queries longer than five minutes by descending duration. Record( pid=19578, duration=datetime.timedelta(0, 19944, 993099), query='SELECT * FROM students' ) :returns: list of Records """ if self.is_pg_at_least_nine_two(): idle = "AND state <> 'idle'" else: idle = "AND current_query <> '<IDLE>'" return self.execute( sql.LONG_RUNNING_QUERIES.format( pid_column=self.pid_column, query_column=self.query_column, idle=idle ) )
[docs] def seq_scans(self): """ Show the count of sequential scans by table descending by order. Record( name='pgbench_branches', count=237 ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.SEQ_SCANS)
[docs] def unused_indexes(self): """ Show unused and almost unused indexes, ordered by their size relative to the number of index scans. Exclude indexes of very small tables (less than 5 pages), where the planner will almost invariably select a sequential scan, but may not in the future as the table grows. Record( table='public.grade_levels', index='index_placement_attempts_on_grade_level_id', index_size='97 MB', index_scans=0 ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.UNUSED_INDEXES)
[docs] def total_table_size(self): """ Show the size of the tables (including indexes), descending by size. Record( name='pgbench_accounts', size='15 MB' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.TOTAL_TABLE_SIZE)
[docs] def total_indexes_size(self): """ Show the total size of all the indexes on each table, descending by size. Record( table='pgbench_accounts', index_size='2208 kB' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.TOTAL_INDEXES_SIZE)
[docs] def table_size(self): """ Show the size of the tables (excluding indexes), descending by size. :returns: list """ return self.execute(sql.TABLE_SIZE)
[docs] def index_size(self): """ Show the size of indexes, descending by size. :returns: list """ return self.execute(sql.INDEX_SIZE)
[docs] def total_index_size(self): """ Show the total size of all indexes. Record( size='2240 kB' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.TOTAL_INDEX_SIZE)
[docs] def locks(self): """ Display queries with active locks. Record( procpid=31776, relname=None, transactionid=None, granted=True, query_snippet='select * from hello;', age=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 288174), ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute( sql.LOCKS.format( pid_column=self.pid_column, query_column=self.query_column ) )
[docs] def table_indexes_size(self): """ Show the total size of all the indexes on each table, descending by size. Record( table='pgbench_accounts', index_size='2208 kB' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.TABLE_INDEXES_SIZE)
[docs] def ps(self): """ View active queries with execution time. Record( pid=28023, source='pgbench', running_for=datetime.timedelta(0, 0, 288174), waiting=0, query='UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + 423;' ) :returns: list of Records """ if self.is_pg_at_least_nine_two(): idle = "AND state <> 'idle'" else: idle = "AND current_query <> '<IDLE>'" return self.execute( sql.PS.format( pid_column=self.pid_column, query_column=self.query_column, idle=idle ) )
[docs] def version(self): """ Get the Postgres server version. Record( version='PostgreSQL 9.3.3 on x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0' ) :returns: list of Records """ return self.execute(sql.VERSION)